Local Leopard Geckos
Care Sheet 
Male or Female? 
Breeding Advice

Great Linkage

MK's LG Breeding 
Leopard Gecko Care 




Leopard Geckos (Eublepharis Macularius) make excellent pets.

They are relatively easy to care for and are naturally tame. They are nocturnal; which means that at first they will sleep all day and cruise around all night. But after some time most come around to their human's schedule to a certain extent.

Here are some pictures of the ones I have had. They are hard to photograph as they are small and reside in a relatively small area but these should give you a good idea of what they look like.

Check out the links over there on your left for my care sheet, faq and "how to tell whether it is male or female" guide.

On the right we have a picture of some of my breeding Leopard Geckos. The one on the left is the male named Stevie. He is almost completely blind. It's hard to tell but he is shedding here. There are 4 females in with him. You can just see the tail of the one under the branch. They breed from February through September. The greenish thing is the laying box. It is full of moist vermiculite for them to lay their eggs in. They lay about every 3 weeks during the breeding season from February through August. 
  Here we have a picture of Stevie shedding. Leopard Geckos are fun to watch shed. They peel off their skin with their teeth and eat it. 


Here on the right are some of my sub-adults from1997. It is really not a great picture but shows them hanging around on their various pieces of cage furniture.

Here are some babies. Yup, that's a penny next to the one in the middle. They are pretty small when they first emerge from the egg. The one on the left is the oldest. He is probably about 1 week older than the other two. 

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