Caring for Hatchling Cyclura Iguanas
Hatchlings to several month old Cyclura can be housed in standard
glass aquaria. 20-30 gallon tanks are sufficient for several months
for one individual. Housing several hatchlings requires a larger tank
and possibly several tanks as there can be bullying early on. If you
have 2 or more in the same tank watch carefully for signs of bullying.
It can be barely perceptible to humans. Make sure all the babies have
access to the food and the basking spot.
can be newsprint or paper toweling for hatchlings. I do not recommend
any particulate substrate such as bark chips, sand or walnut bedding
for hatchlings. You don't want them ingesting these sorts of things
and getting an impaction. Reptile carpeting can be used but it gets
dirty fast. I have found paper towels to be the easiest even though
they are not the most attractive substrate.
can include rocks that are carefully placed so they cannot be dug
under or tipped over. Half logs and branches may be utilized for basking
and climbing.
should be 100-110 on the basking area. This is one reason small tanks
are undesirable. When heating a basking spot to these temperatures it
is very difficult (impossible) to have the proper thermal gradient so
they can cool off when they need to. The cool end should be in the 70s.
Night-time temps should be in the upper 70s for hatchlings and babies.
Cyclura hatchlings need access to UVB rays like those from the sun.
This can be accomplished indoors with two different types of lights.
One type is a fluorescent tube such as the Zoo-Med Reptisun 5.0 or Zoo-Med
Iguanalight 5.0. Either of these tubes is used in conjunction with a
light for heat (basking light). The other type is called a Mercury Vapor
Lamp. I don't recommend the use of these on babies as the ones that
work the best are 160 watts and that would be too hot for a baby in
a smaller tank. For hatchlings stick with the "old fashioned"
tubes combined with heat lights. The brand listed above has proven to
be very consistant with its uv emissions. Replace these bulbs every
6-8 months as they have a rapid rate of decay.
should be offered in a low dish and kept on the cool side of the enclosure.
This will keep it from evaporating too quickly. Hatchlings and babies
should also be soaked in lukewarm water at least every couple of days
to keep their hydration level up. While they do not require the same
high humidity environment that Greens do you need to be careful with
hatchlings so that they do not dry out. Misting once a day is helpful
See my Cyclura feeding page. Feed
hatchlings the same diet chopped small.
- Handle your baby frequently for periods of about 15 minutes at first
until he/she gets more used to it. Keep in mind that most hatchling
cyclura are very flighty. They think you are going to eat them and will
try and get away at any opportunity. Be careful not to grab the tail
if they do happen to get away. They can drop their tails very easily.
See my taming page for various techniques
and personal experiences. Most experienced Cyclura owners will tell
you that 2 years is the magic number and I have to agree. At around
age 2 they seem to gain confidence and calm down more readily.
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